Dysfunctional - An Assassin's Guide to Reincarnating in Another World

Chapter 521 520 - Crossover(Part 11)

"You good? You seem kinda fidgety," Remarked Kilzachs, as he turned to face me and I averted my gaze slightly before I could stop myself.

It was the next day, and Kilzachs, along with some of his teammates, were taking the four of us out to show us around, as well as to stop by and try out a dessert place that he\'s been immensely hyping up.

But, uh...I\'m finding it kinda hard to look him in the eye right now. Because every time I look at him, the fact that I banged his sister just a few hours ago pops into my head.

"Yeah, I\'m good. Just, uh, fascinated is all, seeing how much this world has changed, even after going through nuclear warfare," I replied, composing myself.

He\'ll only get suspicious if I continue being awkward...Persia\'s keeping a straight face pretty well, I have to do the same.

Hm? Why is Belia smirking at me? Don\'t tell me...she used Observation Magic last night, didn\'t she? I swear, if she says something, I\'m so gonna put her through a world of pain. I think gouging out her eyes will be a fair punishment.

"So, what did you guys get upto last night?" Inquired Belia in an innocent tone.

Just you wait, I\'m coming for your eyes, you insufferable little...

"The fact that you asked that definitely means that you got upto something last night, didn\'t you?" Sighed Az in exasperation.

Huh? As he said that, I noticed Kilzachs\' girlfriends stiffening up slightly. And it was barely noticeable, but Kilzachs himself definitely reacted too...woah, now way, did Belia bang them?

Besides Kilzachs and his girlfriends, two of his other teammates were also here, Mitchell and Seila, the other two are busy or something, I guess.

"Ohh, I guess you could say that," Belia smirked in response, before adding, "You just went to sleep right away, didn\'t you?"

"Mhm, you know it."

"You guys sure do get along, don\'t you?" Chimed in Mitchell in amusement.

"She\'s basically a glorified walking, talking headache, a real pain in the ass. That should clarify things," Muttered Az dryly.

"Hey! That\'s not cool!" Frowned Belia indignantly.

"But not inaccurate," I chimed in with a smirk.

"Mhm, for sure," Nodded Persia in agreement.

"Hmph, you should be trying to keep me happy, considering what I know," Huffed Belia, as she gave me a side glance.

"Is that so? Wow, you really think trying to blackmail me is a good idea?" I responded with an icy smile.

"...I was kidding?" She averted her gaze sheepishly.

"Yeah, that\'s what I thought."

"Anyway, where are we going?" Az asked Kilzachs.

"The best place in this world...Delectables," He grinned with a look of anticipation.

"He\'s got a practically superhuman sweet tooth, so you\'re gonna see him being pretty damn giddy for the next while," Sighed Mitchell wistfully.

"Hey, come on, that\'s a bit of an exaggeration," Responded Kilzachs indignantly.

"No, it really isn\'t," Chimed in Katie with a shake of her head.

"That\'s for sure," Nodded Seila in agreement.

"Yeah, I love sweets myself, but he can be a bit excessive," Added Suri wryly.

"Hmph, traitor," Muttered Kilzachs with a huff.

"Oh, is that it up ahead?" I inquired, as I spotted a place with a board above the storefront that had \'Delectables\' written on it in a font that made it look like it was written with melty chocolate.

"Hm? Well, we\'re pretty close, but I can\'t see it from here...wow, your eyesight really is something else, huh?" Responded Kilzachs in fascination.

"Yeah, it was pretty jaw-dropping when I gained it, it practically felt like I\'d been blind before it," I replied with a grin.

"You know, I can use a spell that\'ll make it so that others can see things through your eyes," Belia chimed in.

"Woah, for real? I\'d like to give that a try," Responded Kilzachs eagerly, before turning to me, "That is, if you don\'t mind?"

"Well, I don\'t mind, but I wouldn\'t recommend it. When I first acquired it, it felt like a video I\'d switched from 144p to 4K ultra HD resolution," I informed him.

"I think I\'d still like to try it," He replied, after mulling it over.

"Alright, then, let me help you with that. Close your eyes," Belia said to him, before activating the spell as he did as she said.

"Woah...woah, woah, woah, holy shit! This is fucking incredible!" He exclaimed after a brief pause.

"He can see whatever you\'re seeing right now," Belia informed me.

"Is that so?" I responded, as I turned my gaze towards him.

"Wow, is that me? There\'s so much...detail. It\'s like I can see every single individual strand of hair, I\'m noticing features that I never noticed before!" He remarked in fascination.

This carried on for a while, as he simply couldn\'t get enough of the heightened sight he was experiencing through me.

"Okay, this is getting boring, so...I\'m undoing the spell," Spoke up Belia, after a few minutes had passed.

"Huh? No...no!" He cried in disappointment as he opened his eyes and looked around, "This sucks...has my eyesight gotten worse? Or has it always been this bad? It\'s like everything\'s gotten super blurry..."

"See, this is why I advised against this," I sighed in response.

"Was it really that much better than regular eyesight?" Suri asked him in bemusement.

"Is that a real question? No...you wouldn\'t understand. You could never understand...," He muttered, staring at his hands in disgust.

"Yeah, this was a bad idea," I mused with a shake of my head.

"Uh, hey, can\'t you erase his memory like you did last n-...I mean, like before?" Katie asked Belia.

Huh. Looks like I was right, Belia really must have joined in with them last night. Also, she erased a part of Kilzachs\' memory last night? Of what, exactly? Uh, I don\'t think I wanna know...

"Sure, I can do that," Nodded Belia in response, as she walked over and placed her hand on his forehead.

And a second later, the agitated look on his face disappeared, and was soon replaced by a look of confusion.

"Huh? What are you doing? Why\'s your hand on my head?" He inquired in bewilderment.

"Oh, no reason. Never mind that, we\'re almost at that dessert place, right?" Belia changed the subject.

"Excuse me? Did you just refer to Delectables as \'that dessert place\'?" He responded with a fierce death glare.

Wow, he really is into sweets, isn\'t he? I don\'t think I\'ve ever met someone who has a bigger sweet tooth than he does, it\'s actually kinda impressive, in a way.

"Uh, I just-...my bad?" Apologized Belia in bemusement.

"Come on, let\'s go, some choice desserts would do you good," Suri tugged on Kilzachs\' arm.

"Yeah, that does sound pretty good. Alright, let\'s go," He relented, before Belia let out a quiet sigh of relief.

"Oh, yeah, you mentioned something about erasing his memories like before, what did you mean by that?" Az suddenly asked Katie curiously.

Dude, come on!

"Huh? Did I say that? I don\'t remember," She shrugged as she averted her gaze.

"Hm? What\'re you guys talking about?" Inquired Kilzachs, glancing back.

"Oh, uh, nothing important, don\'t worry about it."

"If you say so, I guess."

Before long, we arrived at the dessert place, Delectables, and Kilzachs was practically brimming with excitement as we entered and took our seats.

"So, what would you recommend we get?" I asked him, as we went through the menu.

"Hm, good question...everything on the menu is absolutely godly, so no matter what you pick, you\'re in for a hell of a treat. Let\'s see...alright, let\'s get one of everything on the menu and split them so that you guys get to try a bit of everything this place has to offer!" He declared with a giddy grin.

"Uh, hey, you do realize that there\'s over fifty items on the menu, right?" Suri pointed out as she gave him a nudge.

"Oh, I\'m not counting the drinks menu, the milkshakes and whatnot, so it\'s actually less than forty items," He pointed out in response.

"I don\'t think it\'s even possible for us to eat that much," Remarked Az warily.

"Technically, that\'s not true. If I use my Clone Magic, then it should be pretty easy," I replied with a shrug.

"Woah, holy fucking shit...I never even thought about that. I can share the senses with the clones I make using my powers, which means that I can taste multiple desserts at the same time," Muttered Kilzachs as his eyes widened.

Yup, my clones work the same way. The only difference is that his clones need to be actively controlled at all times, while I can switch mine from being under my control to simply following my intentions autonomously.

"Uh-oh, this can\'t be a good realization," Muttered Mitchell wryly.

"Alright, then, it\'s decided...we\'re getting one of everything on the menu!" Grinned Kilzachs, looking like he was eager to try out the clone thing...


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