My Vampire System

Chapter 2234 Family Stick Together

Since the fight had started, Galen had been staying in Minny\'s shadow space. It was an order from their mother, Layla. On top of that, Layla stated that if Minny ever felt like she was in danger, then the two of them would just have to stay in their shadow space until they thought it was all over.

These were the two conditions that had been set out by their mother in order to allow Minny into battle, but there was one problem. This all relied on Galen actually listening. Somehow, Galen also knew how to use the power of the shadows.

Whether he was secretly taught it or just learned it from observing the others, he knew the shadow powers. This meant he was able to escape from the shadow whenever he wanted to, and that\'s what just happened now.

\'You stupid brother!\' Minny thought, staring at him. \'Why aren\'t you listening to Mum\'s orders? She\'s going to kill me if she finds out about this.\'

Minny was wondering what to do, the best way to get Galen out of there. Maybe the Dalki wouldn\'t care about a child on the battlefield, but she was wrong.

The Dalki looked at the child and looked at Minny. Her whole attitude, the fact that she was hesitant at moving, said everything. This person was important to her.

"When I\'m done with him, I\'ll deal with you," the Dalki said, placing his hands on the floor.

Ice started to spread out, and a thick wall was made. Thick layers of ice had been created in an instant, and now a large square block could be seen in the market square. The only thing was Galen and the Dalki couldn\'t be seen, because the two of them were inside.

Immediately, Minny ran across the ground in her transformed state. A flow of red aura was being left behind in the air. Her feet were leaving footprints in the ground. With both her hands, she then shoved them forward in one go, putting her full force into one place.

The attack smashed a section of the ice, but that was all. Only a single section of the ice had been broken, where her fists had met it, but not the entire structure of ice itself. The mark that she had made was slowly coming back.

\'That little brat has power even stronger than mine, but that\'s why I created this ice square in the form of layers. The powers we were all given weren\'t weak by any means. The five spikes in the past lost their lives, but we are far better than them with abilities gifted to us by Jack!\'

"If you lay a single finger on him, you\'re dead!" Minny screamed, as she was getting her claws ready. If one single powerful attack didn\'t work, then she would just have to destroy the ice and break through.

Inside, the Dalki was at its strongest, having sustained a large amount of hits from Minny. He moved forward at a fast speed, ready to grab and crush the young boy. At the last moment, Galen jumped up, causing the Dalki to miss. He landed on his arm and started to run up it.

The Dalki twisted trying to grab Galen with his other hand, but the small vampire had already jumped off his shoulder. While mid-air, he had created a large hand made from blood aura.

Swinging his hand, the blood aura hand moved as well, hitting the back of the Dalki\'s head and creating a slap-like sound. The Dalki rubbed the back of its head as the area stung a bit. There was no serious pain, no serious threat in the attack, but it was incredibly annoying.

Locking eyes onto the child, the Dalki quickly ran straight ahead, trying to grab him with both arms. Once again, he was evaded as the vampire boy was above and created another blood hand slapping the back of the Dalki\'s head.

The Dalki reached the wall in frustration and attempted to get the little vampire at all costs. Never had he been so frustrated or felt so humiliated in a fight before. The power coming from the child was weak, he was no threat yet he had managed to hit him twice.

His hand on the ice wall, several spikes went out towards Galen, who quickly evaded them all. And when one spike went right towards his centre, he used the shadow to block it again.

The boy landed on his two feet totally unscathed and looked at his opponent. What the Dalki and many didn\'t know about Galen was the fact that he was a master at evasion.

The favourite pastime of Minny and Galen was to play games of catch. This started ever since Galen was able to walk. Minny was exceptionally fast for a vampire, and her speed was one of the traits that put her above others, including when she was in a celestial form.

At first, Minny was superior to the two when playing the game, but eventually, she was finding it harder and harder to catch Galen. It was to the point where she would even use her celestial form at times to try and get an edge.

The two continued to play this game, and their parents were completely unaware of what was happening, not paying much attention. The Dalki was finding it hard just keeping up with Minny, which was why he was finding it impossible to catch the small vampire.

The Dalki flared its nostrils, letting out a big amount of air. Using all its strength in its legs, it blasted in one go straight toward Galen.

Who, in turn, stepped at the exact moment the Dalki started to move. As Galen touched the back of the ice-like wall a circle of shadow appeared. His body sank through the shadow and was able to get out of the ice wall from the other end.

The whole body of the Dalki smashed through the ice and continued going forward, breaking into a wall of a building off in the distance.

Minny herself had just clawed away at the ice, making a large enough gap for her to fit through, when she turned her head to see the Dalki going off in the distance.

"Galen, you\'re okay, you\'re not hurt right?" Minny asked, rushing toward him.

He shook his head, as he turned around showing her he had no wounds. After that, Minny placed him back in the shadow.

"Stay in there, otherwise you\'re going to distract mum. I\'ll deal with the rest." Minny claimed.

Not long after, the Dalki that had somewhat exited from the market square, came rushing back in. It stopped and, rather than looking for Minny, it looked like he was looking for someone else instead.

"Where is the small boy? I\'ll rip him from limb to limb, eating his body parts right in front of her!" The Dalki shouted.

Minny\'s eyes narrowed as she watched the Dalki\'s movements. She knew she couldn\'t let him get to Galen. If he did, he would have surely killed him without a second thought, which was why she had placed him in the shadow.

"You\'re not getting anywhere near him!" Minny yelled, her body glowing with a red aura.

She launched herself at the Dalki, just like before, her speed so fast that it was like a blur. The Dalki barely had time to react before Minny\'s claws had slashed across his chest. He let out a roar of pain, but Minny didn\'t give him a chance to recover.

She moved quickly, her celestial form and speed enabling her to dodge the Dalki\'s attacks easily. With each strike, she left a trail of red aura behind her. Her movements were fluid and precise, each hit landing with deadly accuracy.

The Dalki was a formidable opponent, but Minny was not one to back down from a fight. She knew she had to end this quickly, before he had a chance to hurt anyone else. So she focused all of her power and launched a final attack. With a roar, she charged forward, her body glowing brighter than ever before.

Her body started to change even more, as the red horns on her body grew larger, circling in more. The red claw marks on her hand looked to be enhancing as the sharpness increased. A new energy was entering her body; it was the first time she felt this way.

The Dalki tried to defend himself, but it was no use. Minny\'s claws sliced through him like a hot knife through butter, and he fell to the ground, defeated. Breathing heavily, Minny stood over the fallen Dalki, her body still pulsing with energy. She looked around, making sure there were no other threats in the area, and wondered where the newfound energy had come from.

The power she had received felt familiar, like the energy she would use to transform, but she felt like she was already using all she could, so where had the extra energy come from?

When Minny turned her head, she noticed Galen standing there again, no longer in the shadow she had placed him in.

\'Could it be?\'

Minny smiled at him, feeling a sense of pride swell within her. She had protected her brother, defeated a powerful enemy, and proved that she was a force to be reckoned with. It was a good day\'s work. Who cared where the power had come from?

Still, she was exhausted and tired; she needed much rest, and there was still a very important fight going on. One that involved her mother.



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